About North Sea Well Productivity Network
The North Sea Operators Well Productivity Network (NSWPN) was established in 2015 following an initiative to form a technical network of Operator representatives specializing in reservoir drilling and completion fluids, formation damage and general well productivity. Membership is currently restricted to operators and selected consulting companies.
The inspiration for the Network came from Equinor, BP and Shell. Membership is currently around 460 members from 13 North Sea operating companies. The Network is managed by a steering committee.
Steering Committee
- Share knowledge and experience with a network of leading experts in completion, workover and production from North Sea operating companies
- Learn from presentations and discussions concerning the challenges and solutions to maximizing well productivity and injectivity
- Meet with colleagues and gain fresh insight into the latest technologies and techniques in identifying, preventing and remediating formation damage
- Exchange information on well productivity issues without commercial bias, hence the network excludes service company representatives
The NSWPN meets periodically by video / audio conference (1-2 hours) with a specific theme for discussion with one face to face meeting (2 day) per year. Operator representatives are encouraged to present at the meetings on specific topics to generate discussion and support between members. Membership of the Network was initially at no cost, however, the network has grown in size and functionality such that a small joining fee is requested for full membership to cover administration and management of this network website. Full member companies include:
- Aker BP
- Axis
- BP Exploration
- EnQuest
- Equinor
- Harbour Energy
- Neptune Energy
- THREE60 Energy Norway
- Shell
- Sval Energi
- Tullow Oil
- Wintershall DEA
The network has steadily grown in membership, visibility and value such that a more formal arrangement has been established. The efficiency of the network has been improved by the development of this website and enabling dedicated administration through Axis. Membership fees are charged on a company basis regardless of how many employees are members. Guest members do not pay fees and are allowed restricted access to the website. Guests are welcome to join in with teleconferences and face to face meetings.
Contact for more information : nswpn@axis-wt.com